There is nothing I like more than a nice long list of things that I intend to read. In fact, a majority of this blog consists of lists of books or bookish things that I am going to get to eventually. Most of the time when I look at my TBR shelves, I do not feel overwhelmed that I will not be able to read all of the books in my lifetime. I feel comforted that I have this book for this particular mood, or I’m saving that re-read for a rainy day. I like to add to this list on a daily basis based on blog, twitter, and radio recommendations, but the largest chunk of my seasonal TBR comes from the quarterly list of most anticipated books from Publisher’s Weekly and the biannual list of books from The Millions.
Fall is my most favorite time of the year because of the colors, foods, weather, scents and decorations associated with it. It also happens to be my birthday season, which is a great time to add to my stacks. The challenge is actually acquiring and reading these books once I’ve put them on this list! Here is what I’m looking forward to most this fall.
The Bone Clocks – David Mitchell (Sept. 2)
This book comes again as a recommendation from Jenn at Jenn’s Bookshelves and was one of the most anticipated ARCs at BEA this year – I have never heard of David Mitchell before, but Jenn doesn't mess around when recommending books so I added this to my list as soon as she reviewed it.
The Paying Guests – Sarah Waters (Sept. 16)
I only own one book by Sarah Waters, The Little Stranger, and I read about 100 pages of this book before I got distracted by something else. I have heard nothing but good things about Waters’ books from Mercedes at Mercy’s Bookish Musings and Andi at Estella’s Revenge so this author is on my auto-buy list even though I haven’t fully read any of her work. Mercedes and Andi have never steered me in the wrong direction before so I am certain I will enjoy The Paying Guests.
Gangersterland – Tod Goldberg (Sept. 9)
I first found out about Gangsterland from Tod Goldberg on the Literary Disco podcast that he hosts with Rider Strong and Julia Pistell (this podcast is amazing, if you haven’t listened to it before!). Most of my nonfiction recommendations come from Tod’s Bookshelf Revisits on the podcast so I am excited that I get to read his new release this fall. I haven’t read many crime books so this will be a first on many fronts.
Sister Golden Hair – Darcey Steinke (Oct. 14)
I have never heard of Steinke before reading this description of Sister Golden Hair on The Millions:
In Steinke’s new novel, a coming-of-age story set in early-70′s Virginia, twelve-year-old Jesse’s family is on the brink of collapse: her father has recently been defrocked, and her mother is coming undone.

Yes, Please – Amy Poehler (Oct. 28)
I absolutely love Amy Poehler’s comedy and acting so this was added to my pre-order must buy list for the fall as soon as I heard about it. I also saw Amy Poehler and Martin Short speak at BookCon in May and that solidified this purchase for me.
Twilight of the Eastern Gods – Ismail Kadare (Nov. 4)
This was completely random – I have never heard of this book or the author, but this novel is sent in 1950s Moscow and I have been interested in Russian based literature with Socialist criticism since I read Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente. I don’t know a lot about Russia’s historical or political past so anything set in 20th century Russia has a magical aura that really appeals to me.
Revival - Stephen King (Nov. 11)
I couldn't believe that King was publishing another book this year after the release of Mr. Mercedes just a few weeks ago - and I believe he published 3 books in 2013? Stephen King has been one of my favorite authors and a guaranteed auto-buy even though I have no idea what this book is about.
So that is my lengthy list of books that I am highly anticipating for this upcoming fall. Judging by last year's list I will only get to about 1/3 of these books when they are released but hey, a girl can dream, right?
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