Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a blog meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  They post a book-related topic each week for bloggers.  This week's topic is the Top Ten Five Things that Make Your Life as a Reader Easier.

1. The Internet
Before I got a grasp on how to use the internet properly in middle school I was desperate for books suggestions.  My low budget library certainly wasn't able to buy YA books let alone recommend them so I ended up reading the same things over and over again (Harry Potter!)

The internet has also led to items 2, 3, and 4 on this list.

2. Smart Phones (iPhone 4s)
Now I can take pictures, jot down ideas, look up books, use apps, etc., so I will never forget the title of the book I wanted to buy again.  On my iPhone I have apps for Twitter, Facebook, Bloglovin, Blogger, Goodreads, Youtube.  Everything I need to stay connected, anywhere I go.

3. Goodreads
Best book tracking site I have found so far.  I formerly used AllConsuming but it was not as user friendly as Goodreads.  The scan feature makes in-person book browsing a lifesaver.

4. Youtube 
More specifically, booktube! I had no idea so many people my age were book lovers and readers, and had obsessive thoughts about the books they buy the same way I did.  The booktube community opened up a new perspective on reading and reviewing books, and served as a mean recommendation machine.  This blog is a direct result of booktube - the more I read, the more I had to say, but no outlet for those thoughts.

5. The Kindle
I know this is a controversial topic - and I have to say, there is nothing quite like the feel of a paperback book in your hands.  However,  the Kindle has allowed me to expand my reading horizons, especially because Amazon likes to throw out some amazing e-book deals once a month (Kindle Monthly Deals) and once a DAY (Kindle Daily Deals).  If I've heard a good recommendation on a book but didn't want to shell out the full price, and it happens to be on the Kindle Daily deal for $2.99 or less, I'm going for it.  It's also really helpful at 10 PM when I absolutely need X book right now but the bookstores are closed.  I don't think the Kindle or any e-reader will completely replace buying physical copies of books for me, but it has expanded my ability to read.

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