Over the past few months I have started a few different YA series that are unfinished and I am patiently hanging out in book purgatory with cliffhangers and open endings until these books are released.
Allegiant - Veronica Roth
Book #3 in the Divergent trilogy. Ok, this is the one and only "cheat" I have on this list. I read Divergent in the beginning of 2012 and then waited until this summer to read Insurgent on a borrowed copy from the library. The time between reading the first and second books in the series left me pretty confused about what was going on and I was kind of disappointed because Insurgent didn't seem very interesting or worth reading to me. However, now that the third book has been released I want to read it to bring closure to the characters and story line of Divergent - but not enough to buy it. I put a hold on this book at the library and I am only #26 on the list so I will hopefully get to read it by the end of the year.
Release Date: October 22, 2013
Cress by Marissa Meyer
Lunar Chronicles #3. I mistakenly read the first chapter of this book after finishing Cinder and Scarlett this year and you guys? It's gonna be awesome. I really enjoyed to innovative take on fairy tales that Meyer brought to the table and I am really excited to see what she does next.
Release Date: February 4, 2014
Dreams of Gods and Monsters - Laini Taylor
Book #3 in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy (can you sense a theme to these books I'm posting about yet?). I loved the first book, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, until the last 100 pages or so but was compelled to pick up the second installment, Days of Blood and Starlight which ended on a really intense plot line that promises to make a great third book. I have the first two books on Kindle and I will be pre ordering the third book so I can read it as soon as it is released.
Release Date: April 8, 2014
The One - Kiera Cass
Book #3 in The Selection series. I devoured The Selection on audiobook in September thinking it was a stand alone - and incredibly disappointed when I learned that it was a trilogy and that I would have to wait almost an entire year until the third book is released. I read The Elite immediately after reading The Selection and we were left on an unpleasant cliffhanger. I will be acquiring this book as soon as it is released.
Release Date: May 6, 2014
City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare
The Mortal Instruments #6. Cassandra Clare has been pretty popular for a while but I never had any interest in her books (the series is so long! too much of an investment!) until I became aware of and fell in love with the Infernal Devices trilogy this year. The story, characters, and world building in that trilogy made me take the leap into the Mortal Instruments, and that leap took me over the edge. I have read all of Clare's books in one sitting, sometimes two or three in a weekend. There is something so indulgent and attractive about the characters that I stay up all night reading about them. I consider them one of my ultimate guilty pleasures because I know when I pick up one of these books I am checking out of the world for a couple of hours with no thought other than what is happening in the book. I have not read City of Lost Souls (#5) yet because I need a buffer between now and book six to keep me going.
Release Date: May 2014
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